Mr Lindsay Dudfield
Non-Executive Chairman
Mr Dudfield is a qualified geologist with over 40 years experience exploring for a wide range of commodities in Australia and overseas, including close involvement with a number of greenfields discoveries. He was a founding director of Jindalee Resources and remains on the board as Executive Director. Mr Dudfield also co-founded Energy Metals and remains a Non-executive Director of the company.
Mr Dudfield is a member of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Australian Institute of Geoscientists, the Geological Society of Australia and the Society of Economic Geologists.
Mr James Wilson
& Valuation, AICD
Chief Executive Officer
James is a geologist with more than 15 years hands on experience in exploration and operational roles, both in Australia and overseas, covering a wide range of resources including gold, copper, nickel and uranium.
James has spent the past fourteen years working as a metals and mining analyst, with the last five years of those as Senior Research Analyst – Resources for Argonaut Securities.
James is a Graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.
Ms Liza Carpene
Non-Executive Director
Ms Carpene has worked in the resources industry for more than 20 years, and has significant experience in corporate administration, HR, legal, IT and stakeholder relations. Ms Carpene is also a Non-Executive Director of Mincor Resources NL and RLF Agtech Ltd.
Up until February 2018, Ms Carpene was part of Northern Star Resources Limited’s Executive Team responsible for the Company’s transformational growth, through a combination of acquisition, organic growth and divestment, to an ASX100 company worth >$3.5B.
Prior to Northern Star, Ms Carpene was Company Secretary/CFO for listed explorers Venturex Resources and Newland Resources, and previously held various site and Perth based management roles with Great Central Mines, Normandy Mining, Newmont Australia, Agincourt Resources and Oxiana.
Mr Anthony Ho
Non-Executive Director
Mr Ho is a Chartered Accountant and a partner in a consulting practice focused principally on corporate and financial services to listed companies. He has significant experience in the resource industry, having served as director and secretary of companies listed on the ASX. He is currently a Non-Executive Director of Australian Agricultural Projects Ltd and Mustera Property Group Ltd.
Ms Carly Terzanidis
Company Secretary
Ms Terzanidis is a Chartered Secretary, an Associate of the Governance Institute of Australia and holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Curtin University with majors in Accounting and Corporate & Resources Administration. Ms Terzanidis currently acts as Joint Company Secretary for Jindalee Resources Ltd and has previously been employed in the role of Company Secretary for an Australian Financial Services Licensee.
Ms Terzanidis has 20 years’ experience in the financial services industry via various positions with Euroz Hartleys Limited, DJ Carmichael Pty Limited and Shaw and Partners Limited, with a focus on Corporate Finance and company secretarial support.